Of the original group, Charles, Alex, Colin, Benjy, and Roger, perhaps only Charles, Colin and Benjy knew how to play an instrument. For perhaps a year, the band would get together on random occasions, and make tapes. Benjy didn't last long, because he listened to Yes and considered BMO to be "not music." During this time, BMO frequently invited guest stars to record on the tapes, including Brick, later immortalized in "Theme for Brick."
At some point, much to their suprise, BMO got asked to play a party at Natalie Avery's house. (She was later to be in the band Fireparty). The notion that someone would actually ask the band to play somewhere was a novel concept. The band played in the living room, and most of the guests at the party hung out outside on the lawn until they were done. Nonetheless, this was the beginning of the road to stardom for BMO.
BMO also at some point around this time released its first few songs on the Simply Suburbe compilation series by WGNS, which was then a studio consisting of limited equipment borrowed from Walt Whitman High School's audio-visual room by soundman and Fungus of Terror guitarist Geoff Turner (who also contributed some nimble guitar licks to some of the early recordings). The songs were mostly simple droning pop hooks without chord changes that would repeat and repeat for a while and then stop. Despite their simplicity, they were undeniably catchy. The band members would take turns playing different instruments, although Alex never played drums.
Sometime after this, Colin announced that his girlfriend, Sharon, was joining the band, giving BMO a permanent and capable guitarist for the first time. Sharon was a couple of years older than the other band members and actually had real experience in real bands (Chalk Circle). Lots of gigs at keg parties in the outer suburbs of Maryland and Virginia, attended by guests usually a few years older than most of the high school BMO-ers, ensued. Meanwhile, BMO was learning to write songs that had more than two chords in them, and then songs with verses and choruses, bridges and breaks. This party circuit also enabled BMO to learn to enhance its stage presence by writing set lists beforehand, rather than arguing onstage about which song to play next, as they previously had tended to do. And then, the first real gig, during "Zero Summer," 1983, at Oscar's Eye, a makeshift club above a transvestite bar in a condemned building sitting along what was then one of DC's porn strips along seething 9th Street. Other bands at this show included Nuclear Crayons, Wurmbaby, God & Co., and Man Ray.

In March 1984, the band played a now-notorious show at the 930 club with Einsturzende Neubauten. The show was marred from the start by an unprecedented blizzard which delayed even the soundcheck until 10pm. Also, Einsturzende Neubauten had asked to use BMO's instruments. Einsturzende played a wild set, which included setting the stage on fire and taking a jackhammer to the 930's famous center-stage column; but a visibly wasted Blixa also started wrecking BMO's instruments. Einsturzende fled town, claiming they had no money to pay for the damage. Moral of the story, obvious in hindsight: never lend your instruments to German industrial bands that make music by banging on things!
Another memorable BMO moment came in the spring of 1984 when the band played the talent show at their own high school, using a ruse to get in by auditioning with jazz/swing music rather than their usual pop-punk. This was a notable show both because of the size - 1,500 people, bigger than the largest number you could pack into a packed 9:30 club - and because a substantial proportion of the audience was hostile. Mayhem broke out as BMO's small gaggle of fans, including representatives of Reston-based Pudwak, rushed the stage. As the talent show organizers realized that the band was playing punk instead of what had been expected, they tried to shut the show down by lowering the hydraulic stage into the pit. The stage got stuck halfway down (one report has it that members of another band at the talent show prevented the organizers from lowering the stage) and the band wrapped up with a rousing rendition of "Cool as Shit." On a tape of the show made from within the audience, you can hear the crowd roaring in disapproval and horror at BMO's twisted music.
The band began recording at Inner Ear with money garnered from gigs, and put out its first and only record, Roadmap to Revolution in the spring of 1984. By the time the album came out, the band had already begun work on Streetlights in the Dark. Much like the Beatles who came apart while recording Let it Be, BMO's work on Streetlights in the Dark was plagued by bickering. The band broke up in summer 1984, after playing a sold-out show with the Dickies (who didn't show due to an injury), and Streetlights was released posthumously. Though little-known compared to Roadmap, and only available on cassette, some regard this as the band's best work.
I saw BMO at 930. I have Roadmap on Vinyl. Those were the good old days. "There ain't no ocean but the surf's still up." Yeah.
I have Roadmap on casette and would love to find it on cd if it exists. Does anybody know where to find anything by BMO?
Saw BMO numerous times and still treasure my vinyl and cassette only releases on WGNS. Here's a scan of the invitations from the backyard BBQ of mine where they played:
Somewhere I have photos of the BBQ show as well as dcspace...
Roadmap to Revolution! I loved that album -- some of the lyrics are forever burned on my brain, "Lying in a rice field with atomic gun in hand . . ."
simply amazing
not just the music
but the effect of the music
can I request a post...
can you do a little SEVEN UP where are they now in 2006
and maybe some of what brought them here
I am certain that all paths are worth hearing a little about
appreciate it
others will appreciate it
I too would like to find the old albums on CD or mp3. A friend of mine recorded "Roadmap" on tape for me back in 1983 - he was a DJ at WUNH, where we did occasional overnights - and I listened to the thing to death! Please list your tracks on emusic.com so we can have them again!!
Alex! Thanks for the BMO documentation. It makes me laugh remembering it all. I'm in CA. Colin is in Portland. I think Roger is in Boston and Charles is in NY. I added a link to your blog from the BMO article on Decomposition.
Timeclock=Hole in Head was the soundtrack to my 10 Grade. Dubbed from Little Mike in Reston. Thanks to you Alex, I found out that geeks can rock.
very nice blog.
I saw them a couple times, but did not otherwise know much about them,. Later Roadmap showed up in my mailbox (swapping).
To be accurate, the mailman left it in the front hallway, and the package was opened 12 inches across the top,
with a gapping hole, and the L.P. was not stolen. I was living in a shitty brooklyn neighborhood at the time, and was amazed by that. A few minutes later, I was amazed by the sounds on their as well. That was great, atypical, fun stuff.
I miss DC a little bit.....
been listening "roadmap to revolution" like six times in a row (by now) and just say it is amazing and truly inspiring.
by the way, what about the "simply suburbe compilation" songs and "streetlights in the dark" album. will them be released again?
...and what about a BMO compilation? gosh, that would be smashing!!!
love from spain
"The clock moves, therefore there is time".
awww man... totally recall that hydraulic stage contraption...
cool as sh*t!!!
mp3z anywhere?
lost my vinyl years ago...
tell colin & kids to upload that stuff to emusic, here or somewhere
pretty please?
... all too good to fade away into silence
I remember the BCC talent show very clearly which is surprising because I don't remember very much of anything that happened within the walls of BCC. That was a punk rock moment.
P Funk
I have a copy of Roadmap. Still unopened.
I saw BMO at a party in Rochester NY some time around '84/85? I'm pretty sure some of the band came back to my apartment. Is this possible? I was hallucinating alot at the time.
Thank you so much for this post. I am new to the work of BMO, but I have been a big fan of Fire Party for some time!!
God!I can't believe this wonderfully crazy post-punk marvel has never got any attention.
I used to play the "what time is it?" locking groove track from the Roadmap album on my radio show in Rochester in '84/'85. So I would assume your hallucination was based at least partly in fact.
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